Matheus Machado

Marketing Graduate

University of Navarre, 2024

Brazilian Student Association at Navarra

Tudo começa com uma ideia. Talvez você queira abrir uma empresa. Talvez você queira transformar um passatempo em algo mais sério.

Unibooking Squad

What began as a group of friends casually playing basketball evolved into a fully sponsored basketball team. Competing in the university's intramural tournament, the Unibooking Squad completed two full seasons, reaching the finals twice and securing the championship once.

As team captain, also managed our social media presence. Additionally, we had friends who enthusiastically documented our journey by taking photos and recording videos, helping to capture and share our memorable moments.



Unibooking Squad

What began as a group of friends casually playing basketball evolved into a fully sponsored basketball team. Competing in the university's intramural tournament, the Unibooking Squad completed two full seasons, reaching the finals twice and securing the championship once.

As team captain, also managed our social media presence. Additionally, we had friends who enthusiastically documented our journey by taking photos and recording videos, helping to capture and share our memorable moments.



Quinta Avenida

What began as a group of friends casually playing basketball evolved into a fully sponsored basketball team. Competing in the university's intramural tournament, the Unibooking Squad completed two full seasons, reaching the finals twice and securing the championship once.

As team captain, also managed our social media presence. Additionally, we had friends who enthusiastically documented our journey by taking photos and recording videos, helping to capture and share our memorable moments.



Mais sobre nossa marca

Somos uma equipe dedicada de especialistas em marketing, comprometida em fornecer soluções inovadoras e estratégias eficazes que impulsionam o crescimento dos nossos clientes. Nossos serviços são fundamentados em uma profunda compreensão do mercado e no compromisso com excelência e resultados.


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